Mourovatá kočka se uvolňuje, leží na boku s pootevřenýma očima, obklopená měkkým světlem na bílé přikrývce.

How were our hairball management formulas developed?

  • IAMS nutritionists were looking for a way to control hairball formation while maintaining optimal feline health and well-being. They evaluated risk factors for hairball formation in cats fed diets that varied in fiber source and content.

  • 98 cats were studied
  • 9 groups were fed test diets and 3 were fed control diets
  • These researchers found that feeding diets that contained a blend of beet pulp and cellulose was more effective at moving hair through the digestive tract, compared with the same diets containing beet pulp as the only fiber source.

  • 80 to 100% increase in faecal hair excretion with beet pulp/cellulose-blend diets, compared with the beet pulp-only diet
  • By promoting the passage of hair ingested by the cat during normal self-grooming, an important risk factor for hairball formation is minimized
  • Hairballs were not evident in cats fed the beet pulp/cellulose-blend diets
  • Test feeding period was 6 to 7 weeks, following a 5-week control-feeding period
  • Total cat-days of testing = 9,968

How were our hairball management formulas developed?

IAMS nutritionists were looking for a way to control hairball formation while maintaining optimal feline health and well-being. They evaluated risk factors for hairball formation in cats fed diets that varied in fiber source and content.

  • 98 cats were studied
  • 9 groups were fed test diets and 3 were fed control diets
  • Test feeding period was 6 to 7 weeks, following a 5-week control-feeding period
  • Total cat-days of testing = 9,968

These researchers found that feeding diets that contained a blend of beet pulp and cellulose was more effective at moving hair through the digestive tract, compared with the same diets containing beet pulp as the only fiber source.

  • 80 to 100% increase in faecal hair excretion with beet pulp/cellulose-blend diets, compared with the beet pulp-only diet
  • By promoting the passage of hair ingested by the cat during normal self-grooming, an important risk factor for hairball formation is minimized
  • Hairballs were not evident in cats fed the beet pulp/cellulose-blend diets

How do our hairball management formulas work?

The blend of beet pulp and cellulose gently moves hair through the gastrointestinal tract while maintaining healthy digestion.

  • Beet pulp, a moderately fermentable fiber, promotes optimal intestinal health
  • Cellulose helps to enhance the passage of ingested hair

How do our hairball management formulas compare with our other cat formulas?

Our hairball management formulas provide the same high-quality nutrition and taste as our other adult formulas with the added benefit of reducing the risk of hairballs.

Both provide high-quality nutrition for adult cats

  • Similar feeding amounts as our other adult formulas
  • Excellent stool quality, skin and coat condition, and taurine status
  • Great taste
  • Similar acceptability and palatability test results as our other adult formulas

Také stojí za přečtení

Mourovatá kočka si olizuje rty, když sedí člověku na klíně. Osoba nosí pruhovanou košili a jemně drží ruku v blízkosti kočky v domácím prostředí.

Nutrition 2 min. čas potřebný k přečtení

Kuře: Zdroj kompletních proteinů pro vaši kočku

Zrzavá kočka si prohlíží sáček s krmivem pro kočky „IAMS for Vitality“ na dřevěné podlaze s podobným obrázkem kočky a textem: „Kompletní a vyvážená výživa pro dospělé kočky, dospělý 1+“.

Nutrition 3 min. čas potřebný k přečtení

Kolik krmiva mám své kočce dávat?

Mourovatá kočka si olizuje rty, když sedí člověku na klíně. Osoba nosí pruhovanou košili a jemně drží ruku v blízkosti kočky v domácím prostředí.

Nutrition 2 min. čas potřebný k přečtení

Speciální výživa pro zvláštní potřeby

IAMS Hairball Control